Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hw 58

I was very touched by both of our quest speakers. I found it interesting how comfortable Rob was talking about how he was comfortable about him being gay and adopting a baby. Now I'm not saying its bad to be comfortable with who you are and what you do because i look up to Rob for doing so. Rob stated that he grew up in a very catholic and puerto rican family, now being Puerto Rican myself i know how hard Puerto Ricans are on there children and to add the icing on the cake being gay in a catholic family isn't the easiest thing. Both Rob and Jeanine said they read parenting books but when it finally came down to it the books didn't help that there "motherly" (i use that term loosely) kicked in. Seeing how both Rob and Jeanine are surrounded by kids 24/7 it was nice to hear Rob say he used some of his skills from the classroom back at home, while Jeanine said she wants her child to be successful at life, and because she works as public safety she knows the pressure that falls with being a kid so she will be more understanding as a mother. But that made me wonder will she really be more understanding or just have a better understanding of why her child acted the way he did.

The same night our quest speakers came to class my mom randomly brought up how hard it was raising me. She got into deep detail how i wasn't like any other child and because i was a girl it made it that much harder to control me. Now when i looked back onto my childhood i don't remember ever being that bad (*muwahahah evil laugh) anyway she started going on about how she never even thought about reading a book because she figured it would all come natural. She also said that help and influence from mother figures in her childhood helped guide her on how to raise me.

Having these quest come in defiantly help me understand parenting a little more. Parents just want the "best" for there children and the way they raise you isn't always based on what they believe its sometimes based off of insights from how they where raised. I hope that once i have children it will all come "naturally" because i find it extremely pointless to read a book about something if it doesn't even help me in the long run.

I now know that parents play a big role in helping there children raise there children and so on and so forth, so i will always remember how my parents raise me and won't be shy about asking for some help/ insights. This doesn't mean i will rely on them all the time to tell me how to raise my children but its nice to know that parents are there to give you help even if you didn't approve of it when you where a young child.

Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 57 parenting

Growing up my parents always tried being my best friend, so when i would get in trouble and they would ground me i would never understand why they where so mean and i would throw tantrums asking how they are my friends when they yell at me. As soon as i got older and understood the true meaning of "parent" i realized trying to be your child's friend was all part of the program. Just like acting all gushy and mushy over a 1 yr old baby. I believe after a certain point babies should no longer be treated like a cute puppy, once they start to walk they should be talked to like a normal grown adult so they can catch on to the way adults talk and mature slowly.

Since I'm adopted not only was i raised by my real mom i was also raised by several other caring women, which lead to a whole bunch of other women which soon lead to a mini village of women. I gained a lot of insight from each and every "mother" that i encountered, because of all these different encounters i think if i do end up having children i will be a very good mother. I would change some things though such as the being my child's best friend, i don't want them to get confused of the authority i hold and think its okay to do certain things.

After reading the story about the moms theory backfiring on her i was pretty shocked on how after the mother was trying to give her children freedom, her children just took charge and made the mother seem like the child. i believe that once the mother started to see that the book she read was backfiring on her she should have stopped everything and told her children what to do instead of giving them choices. My mom always tells me i gain freedom i don't just ask for it and get it. So for this mother to proceed with the abuse from her children makes me think she wasn't a natural mother to begin with.

I think some of the 7 baby B's are complete BS and have nothing to do with parenting. Such as breast feeding i don't get how breast feeding helps you ready your babies body language or how it helps you realize cues, i think you can do both of those things by just watching your baby and bonding in different ways. Also "bedding close to baby" sleeping with a baby makes them to dependant on there mother, what happens when they go to there first sleep over? they are not going to be allowed to sleep with there friends mom (i didn't mean that in a sexual manner at all) Parenting should be based of of personal experience and off of how you think you should parent, but also receive advice and input from those close to you who have maybe parented previously.

Friday, May 14, 2010


1. how have past experience effected the relationship your in now?/ your most recent relationship.
2. Which emotion/ emotions do you mostly base your relationships off of?
3. do past relationships determine the emotional abuse you can handle?
4. How do insecurities effect the way you emotionally handle a situation with your significant other?

1. Being in past relationships I've learned to be more secure about my feelings because in the past i was treated unwell.
2. Trust, honesty, not just the physical feelings the emotional as well.
3. Sometimes because lets you get cheated on two times previously and your in a new relationship you may have trust issues with your new partner.
4. I explain my feelings and don't hold back on them.

1. I think that every relationship you go through will teach you something and that something can improve your next relationship if your willing to put in what you learn.
2. How I feel, how the person feels, and what possibilities there are of a relationship.
3. I think I'm over the phase of taking emotional abuse.
4. I'm not insecure so they don't.

1. I have trust issues because i was lied to a lot, although my past relationship was a very unhealthy one i have learned a lot about what is acceptable and what is not. I now know what i don't want in a relationship, but as i am growing up i am finding that it is much more difficult than i want it to be.
2. Without trust a relationship will not go very far, i think communication is key and you should be able to open up to the person completely so that the relationship is healthy.
3. I think after the last relationship i was in nothing could be as bad as it was with that person. Althought i was put though a lot i have become stronger because of it.
4. I am insecure about a bunch of think but only because i was put down for so long.

All three people i asked seemed to have similar opinions about most of the questions. When it came to the personal questions about insecurity i found it interesting how Yasmin said she was beyond the point of emotional abuse indicating that she has encountered to much of it to let it effect her, Yet in the question after she said she wasn't insecure. I personally would have some insecurities if people kept emotionally abusing me but i find Yasmin to be emotionally stable because of all her emotional "abuse"

Question for survey: Do past relationships make you insecure about present relationships?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Part 1: why do some relationships fall apart once a label is given to them while other relationships stay strong?

part 2:
Matt's: i found your question to be very deep and interesting. I've never heard someone ask me this but i believe this is a good question and i have know correction to give you.

Leah: i think your question is good but maybe you want to focus on one certain aspect of a relationship such as how do insecurities make a relationship end or another aspect that your interested in (ex's, trust, past experiences e.c.t.)

part 3: Revised question... How do some relationships fall apart once a label is given to them while other relationships stay strong?

I typed into google "how to make love work" and i found an interesting site advertising the 3 essentials to making a relationship work. 1. rules 2. roles 3. rituals I figured that a new couple using these 3 "tips" or "rules" to start there new relationship could be scared of having to abide by rules and obligations so there only way out of the situation is breaking up. Fortinberry, Alicia. "What makes a Relationship work? ."The 3 Essentials for Building Successful Relationships . 2000. Print.

"why do relationships fail?" Stated We are living in a divorce culture. Out of the couples who do remain married, it’s certain that a good number are no longer happy or in love, despite the fact they aren’t officially divorced. It's estimated that 75 to 80 percent of all relationships fail." Meaning most couples aren't happy and fail because they fall out of love with each other. This can help me answer my question because i can relate my question to married couples and interview a married couple and see if they agree or disagree with what this website stated( obviously ill ask each partner in the relationship separately) "Why do Relationships Fail? And WHat to do about it! 431." Why do Relationships fail? And Relationships Restoration! (2007): n. pag. Web. 13 May 2010. .

The title of couple might bring back the fear of a past relationships, or once they become a "couple" they get bored with each other, there's only sex and no communication, at least these are some of the reasons said by These 10 reasons of why relationships end can help me minimize some of the more common reasons relationships end. "The Top Ten Reasons Couples Break Up." Top Ten Reasons Couples Break Up (2009): n. pag. Web. 13 May 2010. .

Another website stated that some reasons for breaking up are caused by not communicating, neglecting the other persons feelings, and boring although these are only some reasons they are similar or the same as to the website i found before this. So i want to compare and contrast what ends a relationship the most and see if that connects to being an actual couple. Michaels, Erik "Top 6 Reasons Couples Break Up." Top 6 Reasons Couples Break Up. 9 Nov. 2007 13 May. 2010



After taking the quiz the results said i am a journalist with an uncanny sense of the motivations of other. I don't really understand with this means but while taking the test i asked my friends for some help with certain questions. I don't think the results where to accurate because it also stated "life is an exciting drama" and although i have been involved in drama i honestly can't stand it. The process of taking this quiz also involved me really thinking about how i act and my dislikes and likes, it made me get close to my inner self.

Monday, May 3, 2010

survey response

Part 2: While taking the survey i read the questions out loud to my mom and surprisingly enough here answers where the same as mine. Although my mother was standing right next to me i was very honest about my answers and surprisingly that brought up grate talk at the dinner table. There weren't many questions that made me stop and think, but there where ones that shocked me. Such as is there violence or drug abuse in your house hold. I found questions like this personal but also alarming.

part 3: After looking over the results of the survey i found it interesting how when people where asked if they valued there family, if there family valued them, and if they trust there family majority of people said yes exactly, but when the question "have you thought about suicide" 5 people said yes extremely and 12 said yes generally, my thoughts about this where that if people have such respect for there family and love for there family why are kids thinking about suicide ? Also when students where asked if friends come over family 18 students responded with maybe, sometimes. So when looking over these responses i don't know how students can value there family so much but then say they would choose a friend before family. I believe some students might have found this survey a way to tell someone how they truly feel (when talking about suicide) and because they love there family so much they didn't want to hurt them by telling them how they really feel, I'm not sure how accurate my assumption is but its

part 4: When comparing the first survey about sex and adolescence to the survey we took the section consisting of partnering, romance, and sexuality it was interesting to see that teen women between 15 and 19 account for one third of chlamydia and gonorrhea infections, and when students between the ages of 16 and 17 where asked if they had unprotected sex in total 4 people said no. Its obvious why young teen moms between the ages of 15 and 19 are getting disease because they have unprotected sex. It would be interesting to see if that question (do you have unprotected sex) was asked in person with girls between the ages of 15 and 19 if they would answer truthfully or lie. Comparing both of these surveys shows that no matter where the survey comes from the answers will most likely be similar and when comparing two different surveys on the same topic you see how when the age group in which you are talking about is answering the questions the results are similar to the survey that just gathered up information. After taking this survey and comparing to other surveys i realized that surveys are a great way to gain information that is mostly accurate and you get your answers quickly.

hw 52

My family have a very big impact on the theories that i believe in and follow. A main theme in my life is family is over everything. As I've matured I've come to learn that although i have friends that are really close to me and almost like family they could never replace my real family. As we grow up some of us distance ourselves from our real family and connect with our friends and build a second family. If i look back on my life i realized when ever i was down even though i talked to my friends about what was bothering me, when i went to a family member they always made me feel better.

Love is a feeling most people don't know how to explain. When its brought up for the first time with a couple its usually a tense conversation. But what if a couple talks about they say they "love" each other but when they are in public he/she denies the other? Is that love? I had an intense conversations with one of my classmates about this and she insisted that her first love is the real thing, but when he is asked about her he denies her and calls her ugly and so on an so forth.

I was always taught that love will come naturally and in time, and when your in love it will feel perfect and nothing will stand in its way. But now that i think about it what if you yourself feel that your in love but there are to many obstacle's standing between you and that person? Does that mean its not meant to be? I've thought long and hard about this love thing and i believe that despite what everyone might think if your in love and there are obstacle's you should fight for what you want.

But enough about this love stuff whats going on with school? Teachers demand respect but what about students shouldn't we demand respect as well? I understand that since there older and "wiser" they deserve our respect but the theory that teachers are always right and elders get automatic respect is not a theory i live by. My parents have been getting after me about respecting teachers since i was in second grade. I personally find no reason to respect somebody who doesn't respect me. Same thing goes to a stranger on the street, when ever somebody bumps me in the street and doesn't say sorry i always wonder what are they thinking. Don't they theories about being courteous? Or do people just not care because your nobody to them. How do they know I'm not the person that's going to save them from a burning building one day. A very big theory i was taught was treat others the way you want to be treated. Yes my family is religious so yes another big theory of mine is that we live life the "right" way we will all go to heaven.

My idea of the right way of living is be courteous to everyone and try to live life with no regrets, just mistakes that you learn from. I don't really know what the whole point in someones life is but i have an idea of what mine is. I believe it's to impact others life's and help them succeed with goals they have. Life is spontaneous so i think theories are pointless and we should just deal with what life throws at us daily and try not to plan the way we react to certain things.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

school paper

School is a society based of roles, as a whole education is filled with different jobs that we al fit into. The teachers are the narrators and the students are just there to soak in little pieces of information and then slowly put all the pieces together as they progress threw school. As I look back threw my recent years of school I wonder why some students make it while others don’t. Is it there race, or is it because they have a learning disability, or is it simply because they just aren’t interested in school anymore? After reading threw the many articles assigned to us, doing my own research, and reading The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time by Mark Haddon I found that many students who just aren’t interested in school or have a learning disability have a harder time of succeeding and schools don’t tend to there needs. If schools spent more time making the school day more interesting and combatable for kids with disabilities or who are discriminated against more kids would be eager to stay/ go to school.

After reading a text by Gatto I found his opinion to be very interesting. He explored some major points of how schools don’t prepare us for the future and how un schooling can actually be better at certain times. Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Benjamin Franklin where all smart successful men who changed America without attending school. This goes to show you how school isn’t the only way to achieve your goals. Gatto also brought up another point that really made me think. “They said teachers didn’t seem to know much about their subjects and clearly weren’t interested in learning more. And kids were right: their teachers were every bit bored as they were” If teachers aren’t interested in the subject there teaching why should the students be? Teachers are the role models of the class and set an example of success, if the teachers don’t want to learn more about there own subject and make things interesting what’s the point in teaching? Schools have gone from being structured to just being a building kids spend 7 to 8 hours in a day. Between 1905 and 1915 3 main reasons for school was one, make good people, two, to make good citizens, and three, to make each person his or her personal best. I agree with Gatto on the fact that these three reasons are great reasons to have a structured school but without teachers who care and are engaged in the subject there teaching structure is the last thing education needs to worry about.

Waking up at 6 is never fun regardless if you’re an early riser or not. During the winter it’s uninviting to get out of your warm cozy pajamas to go out into the cold frigid world, but what if you had something to look forward to? Something that kept your mind off of the cold and all the troubles you face when you go home from school? Schools should give every student the opportunity to do something they enjoy and then try to base their curriculum off of that. At least that’s what Delpit believes; she thinks that art is a great way to get kids of color interested in school. She stated “Teachers who see their students engaged in the arts have an opportunity to see their students in a different light” If all it takes for a student to be looked at differently is to do something they love an enjoy each student should have there own time to shine and show off there own personal talent. If graffiti or music making where turned into a project in certain classes such as a math project had to be turned into a musical or a science experiment was based off of the chemicals in a spray paint can, I believe that students who are less likely to show up to school everyday would be a lot more interested in something they can actually connect to.

In the Curious Incident Of The Dog In The night-time by Mark Haddon The main character Christopher is faced with multiple challenges. Not only is he singled out from the world because he has asburgers syndrome; he is all singled out at the school he goes to where other students have learning disabilities. At school his teacher taught him how to analyze certain symbols to indicate certain feelings and emotions. It took months for Chris to finally get the hang of everything and catch on but his teacher never gave up on him and stuck with him till he finally understands how everything connected. If that time and dedication was spent in schools all over America students wouldn’t struggle as much and student’s with learning disabilities such as ADD, ADHD, dyslexia or asburgers such as Chris wouldn’t feel so distant form the educational word. As I was skimming over the curious incident of the dog in the night-time a quote popped out to me “Sometimes the children from the school down the road see us in the street when we’re getting off the bus and they, shout “Special Needs! Special Needs!” Page 44 In order for kids with learning disabilities to feel safe and confident in school not only teachers but students as well need to be more understanding and try to help the kids who struggle. A strong community that works well together gets a lot farther then a community that doesn’t… at least that’s what my mom tells me.

The president of the United States, what an honor that must be. You’re in charge of America and your opinion is one of the most important. But what is it about the President that makes him seem so inspirational? Is it because he has gone through exactly what every teenager is going through now? Or is it the fact that all his hard work and dedication made it when the odds where against him? Barack Obama is a great example of how if there is a teacher figure in your life helping you through with your goals and ambitions it makes the process of learning easier. Freire brought up that the education system is like a bank. Students are deposited information and when its needed we give it all back, but this information is mostly regurgitated information that isn’t deeply thought about. From a students point of view when where given information we write it down and probably never look at it again unless we know its going to be on a quiz or test. If teachers took more time on certain important subjects within their subject and really explained everything in detailed I believe more students would struggle less if there is a learning disability involved.

After evaluating all the articles assigned in class, reading the curious incident of the dog in the night-time, and doing personal research I’ve come to the conclusion that school and education as a whole need to work better to fit every students needs and not single out the ones who need extra help or attention. Time and dedication will help lead to a better school community and success rate if everyone just pitched in and tried harder. It will take time but a slow progression is better then none at all.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

hw 49

My contribution to the film was that i was one of the students that was trying to save the teacher, and help him quit his addiction. Although we didn't finish the film i believe the tone and message still got across. We chose to do the opposite of all the teacher savior films we saw and use the students as the savior instead of the teacher. In our film the kids helped open up the teachers eyes and make him realize he was a role model for all his students and that what he was doing wouldn't only effect him in the long run but would also effect the people who looked up to him.

He was trying to teach the students about the dark side of history and this really intrigued all of them, since the first day of school the teacher gained the students respect, so when students found him in his room after a school party they found out about his addiction, this makes the tone very dark and sketchy. The movie goes from being motivating to a tremendous downfall. Even though the students helped the teacher recuperate and stop his habit for a while he has a relapse becasue his best friend dies and all there hard work goes right back down the drain.

Now compared to the teacher savior films we saw in class i don't think ours can be compared (and i don't mean that in a good way) one we did not finish, and two i don't think the "saving" really helped the person in need. There wasn't a dramatic turn around and respect was lost not gained. Some things that can be compared is that in both our film and the ones we saw in class there was always the group of students that cared and where on the teachers side. Also there was some change in everyones attitude and there was a turning point in the films.I believe that if we had more time and actually finished the film we would have been able to really show the "saving" and how the students really impacted the teachers life.

In our culture many teachers either try to hard to be a savior or they just don't care. During the time period of the movies we watched the teachers cared a lot more about helping there students and really trying to get them interested in school and there future but in our culture now teachers seem a lot more bored with there job and just want the school year to be over just as much as the kids. If more teachers spent more time caring about students individually i think it would show that teachers care more and the bond between the teacher and students as a whole would be stronger.

Monday, April 19, 2010

hw 50

Against school went over who was truly the blame for school being so boring, and why people are so focused on school when so many people brilliant people have been unschooled. Such as Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Benjamin Francklin. John Taylor Gatto stated between 1905 and 1915 3 main reasons for such structured schooling was 1) To make good people 2)To make good citizens 3)To make each person his or her personal best.

In the fist paragraph Gatto stated "They said teachers didn't seem to know much about their subjects and clearly weren't interested in learning more. And kids were right: their teachers were every bit bored as they were." I agree with what was stated because if i notice that a teacher doesn't enjoy teaching their subject it gives me the feeling like well if the teacher isn't interested well neither am i. The teachers have control of the classroom and although it seems that the students control it most of the time, if the teacher doesn't demand respect or acts as if the class is boring or to much to handle that's when we stop caring.

Freire had to main ideas, one was teachers are narrating a subject while the students are just there to listen and take in everything the teacher narrates to them. His second main idea was that education is like a banking company, students are to digest "deposits" and regurgitate what they digest when needed. He believes that the whole educational system is oppressed and the only way to fix that is by "Changing the consciousness of the oppressed, not the situation which oppresses them"

While reading through Freire's text i found it very interesting when he stated "The student records, memorizes, and repeats these phrases without perceiving what four times four really means or realizing the true significance" I agree with this because as students most of us just listen to what we need to know and don't really learn it, meaning we don't understand the real meaning of what we are learning. We do what we need in order to get by a pass so really understanding the meaning of a concept isn't very common in most students. I also agree with the fact that education is like a bank because students are in school to just learn and spit out what they are "taught" i put that in quotations because i believe that being taught is when you can explain every detail of what ever it is you are talking about, not just regurgitate the common facts.

For the interview with Delpit she was exploring the difference between urban schools that give students the chance to have a fair opportunity to show their brilliance. She wants to be able to give kids of color who are low income to experience the same chance as kids who have better chance of succeeding. Delpit believes that if kids are more interested in the arts it will be easier to express them in school.

I believe that if kids are interested in something such as art (graffiti) its will interest them in school a lot more. I think what Delpit is trying to accomplish is very important to our community because if kids of color are pushed to go to school more and are pulled in by something they enjoy i think they will be more eager to go.

Mr Fanning's point was that many kids where failing this class because they don't do their blogs and that's all you grade in this class. Mr Fanning also stated that many college classes are blog based and this will be a good experience to get us ready for college experience. He got pretty emotional when he started talking about how many novels and books are getting over powered by electronics and before we know it books won't be around anymore.

I agree with Mr Fanning on the fact that most kids are failing this class because of the blog. I think there should be more things graded in class, but besides that i also agree that books won't be around much longer because everything is getting digital. Hopefully that doesn't change the importance of literature.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Its the first day of school in s typical high school setting with the jocks, rebels, outcast, and kids who only go to school because there parents want them to become a doctor or lawyer. Mind you this whole film is in black and white.
During lunch one of the jocks Johnny knocks one of the rebels Fransisco's lunch tray out his hand. This later turns into a big rumble between the jocks and the rebels.

As the rumble is getting more intense Johnny's girlfriend Marisa breaks out into a song which grabs every one's attention. She goes to grab Johnny's hand t calm her down but reluctantly he goes and knocks her to the ground. Fransisco then goes to help Marisa up and at that moment you could "see sparks fly".

The Principal shows up and tells everyone to get to class. As every disappears towards the halls they soon later meet up and realize they all have the same class together. The rebels start bumping loud screamo music and throw there feet up on the desk as the jocks throw around a football. The new teacher miss cockster walks in and writes her name on the chalkboard, and of course all the students start laughing. Fransisco breaks into a song about how this school is a joke and how we never use any of the things we learn in school in the real world. Although miss cockster looks like a fragile old women she is in fact very much in shape and has a secret life as an C.I.A agent.

She slams down a text book and tells them how there outside life doesn't relate to anything in class and that all there bullshit and stereotype's can be left out the door or they shouldn't even bother coming to class. She asks one of the students to "drop a beat" for her with out any resistance he starts be boxing and she spits out the illest rap about how everything you learn in school does eventually help you with daily life.

Through out the whole time of Miss Cockster's speech Marisa and Fransisco have been passing notes between each other and Miss Cockster can't take it anymore she grabs the note and reads it out loud, this springs up the talk about Marisa and Fransisco being "secret lovers" and that infuriates Johnny.

A screaming match breaks out which leads to both students being taken to the principals
office. Johnny and fransiscos parents are called. The class continues and Miss cockster brings up how she wants to raise awareness in the community that school isn't dumb and actually very useful. The Kids later come up with many ways to raise awareness such as school carnivals and plays.

Everyone gets distracted by there school work that they all work together as a team and soon learn that no matter where you come form or what category you fall under in school everyone is alike and difference shouldn't stop you from achieving.

All the students show personal growth Johnny and Marisa end up breaking up and Marisa goes out with fransisco they both end up dropping out of school and turning into druggies. Miss cockster is so distraught by this that she starts drinking.

As soon as the students find out about miss Cocksters fall out they all get together and try to bring her hopes back up and show her how many kids they got to come into school all because she tried to make school a safe and enjoyable enviorment. After a couple of weeks miss cockster gets back on her feet and gets back into action.

The year winds down and all the students successfully move on to the next grade. While miss cockster finds a lover over the Internet and gets married so her name is no longer miss cockster it is now ms Rubin.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

movie ideas

1. Instead of showing the kids change show the teacher making a drastic change
2. Turn it into a musical
3. Have the movie in black and white for a more dramatic effect.
4. We should all dress like a certain ethnic stereo type
5. Don't have just one main character
6. Instead of everyone have a bad life at home everyone could have a picture perfect life.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

hw 46

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time was about a boy named Christopher who had autism. He finds a dog murdered with a gardening fork and makes it his responsibility to find out who killed the dog. Throughout his searching a detective work to find out what happened to the dog, he uncovers letters from his mom (who passed away) that revel a nasty truth.

This relates to my topic because since Christopher has autism he is in a special school, and although he is in this special school kids still make fun of each other for being different. Although Christopher is in a special school he is allowed to take special math and science test that will allow him to get into a good college. This relates to my topic because it shows how event though kids have certain needs and disabilities there are always ways to give them the same opportunities of kids without disabilities.

The fact that the kids in Christopher's school still make fun of each other is a good example of how no matter the surroundings are kids are going to get picked on. Also when ever Christopher talked about school he talked about how one of his teachers would draw certain things to show an emotion or a color to show a meaning/point, this relates to my topic because many current teachers can find simple things like to draw in the attention of kids with a.d.d or a.d.h.d any little thing such as bright colors could change the way a student focuses into something.

Monday, March 15, 2010

hirsch and sizer

. Using quotes from the text make arguments of your own that address (in a paragraph or two each) one or more of the following angles:
Hirsch's main argument was that when compared a community college was not able to obtain the same level of understanding of the American civil as a University could. This is understandable because a community college doesn't offer the same educational opportunity's as a university does. Hirsch then came up with the concept of cultural literacy, which is understanding the back round information of the topic your learning about and then learning the fine details. Although his theory's have been criticized and he has kept on with his work and made several books on curriculum starting at kindergarten going up to 6Th grade.

Sizer was known as the father of the essential school movement, this movement brought both public and private schools to a common understanding of a common principle. The principle was that students are part of a community and in that community they are the workers, while the teachers are meant to be mentors or a coach. Although his principle started with only 12 schools it expanded to several hundreds. Sizer's inspiration sprang from personal seminal books that he wrote which later turned into a trilogy.

1. Do these theories contradict each other? Intellectually, emotionally, practically? In what ways do they? Could they be adapted to work together? Both Sizer and Hirsch brought up great points, Sizer with his idea of schools being a community and Hirsch stating that if students had more background information on topics learning specific points and dates would be a lot easier. These two theories don't contradict each other, they set a mode of aggression and determination. "
Begun with 12 schools, the coalition now encompasses several hundred across the country, plus a handful overseas." Sizer's theory began in only 12 schools and then expanded to over a hundred schools, to me that shows a lot of determination and aggression. I think if both Sizer's and Hirsch's theory's where put together and really set into action education could go a lot farther and deeper then it is right now.

3. What additional points does reading these theorists make you think of, about your own education and philosophy? After reading "The principles hold, among other things, that a school is an egalitarian community and that the student is a valued worker in that community, with the teacher in the role of mentor or coach." It made me realize how School Of The Future has many teachers who take the roles of mentors and try to guide us instead of just spitting out ideas and teaching us things without giving us the deeper meaning. SOF has definitely made me stringer as a student.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

HW 44

After reading Obama's "Back to school" speech i felt like him connecting his speech back to his life was a nice touch but i didn't feel like that changed the way i felt about the first day of school and sleeping in. He brought up responsibility's and how if everyone put there part in America could have some of the best teachers and schools, but then he slides in his own opinion and sorts of puts us down and says if we don't fulfil our responsibility's we won't achieve his goal of having amazing schools and teacher's. I feel like this relates to the classroom because although most teachers look out for the students and try to help them out, some teachers slip in slick comments that just demotivate us to do anything and shoot our self esteem down.

After reading the benefits of intellectual and social awakening, it was clear to me that people who have a strong opinion about education and school always have a strong clear plan they want to follow in order to put there plan in action. Both articles had very strong opinions about making classrooms and teachers the best they can be and responsibility's. Although i agree that if more schools had better teachers and curriculum it would make some students want to come to school more, but i think if school wasn't so demanding and didn't require as much work and stress a majority of the kids would cause less trouble and do a lot better.

If a student gets good grades and goes to a good college that doesn't always mean that they are set with a wonderful job that will pay good money. There are other aspects that connect with getting a good paying job and you don't always gain those aspects from going to school. If people have been trying to improve schools and give us better futures since 1932 and making pledges and have yet to make a major difference in the way schools teach i think that's making a major statement. My opinion to this problem is that schools shouldn't be the decision maker in kids life's, there should be another element so kids who are slower learners have an equal chance of making it big.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

42 Significance

How do teachers help students diagnosed with ADHD?

I believe this topic is significant because there are many children diagnosed with ADHD or ADD such as myself and its very hard for us to stay focused. ( I'm not saying that's an excuse to be distracting in class) I think it would be a lot easier if teachers would take into consideration that kids with attention problems such as staying focus and talking in class should be given assignments that's are more verbal and or more short assignment's so children don't loss focus.

This topic relates to my personal life but it doesn't effect how i am going to live. In school i get distracted but i get my work done. If teachers where more aware of the students with ADD orADHD in there class and made more hands on activities i think it would have made my earlier years of school a lot less stressful and i wouldn't have gotten in as much trouble. Although medicine helps a lot of kids it is still very easy to get caught up in the gossip of school of school and get off task. Not only would the teachers help ADD and ADHD students but they would help the whole class if they did more activities that draw the students in.

This relates to society because many people are effected by ADD and ADHD although society accepts people with ADD and ADHD it would be interesting to see how people would react if the symptoms where more outspoken such as turrets or autism. Society only likes normal itdisagrees with difference and makes up excuses to why difference shouldn't be aloud. Not many schools have a place for disable kids and i believe that should be changed.

Monday, February 22, 2010

41 insights into school

Corporal punishment started in England in the middle ages until the early 19Th century, then it lead to the British army and navy, and shortly after that it ended up with 20Th century ancient world teachers beating there students with rods or birch twigs. Corporal punishment progressed into modern day schools. I want to use this to see if kids where scared into behaving better in school back then.
Lambert, Tim. "A BRIEF HISTORY OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT." n. Page. Web. 23 Feb 2010

Private vs public schools
The major difference between public and private school is if the person applying holds enough cash. It is very hard to get a disable kid into a public school because not many public schools have a special Ed programs. Many parents think that just because they are paying a tuition their child is going to get a better education when in most cases that is not true. If i choose to write my paper about this i want to get more into detail how hard it is to get a special Ed kid into a private school and show the pros and cons of each type of school.
Greatschools Staff "Private versus public" great schools February 24 2010

Girls and there effects in school
Girls gossip regardless of there age, race, or social class. In middle school girls gossip in order to fit in and make sure they don't stand out. The media just helps to that gossip by giving off this barbie doll image that most young girls are raised off of. This i can use to explain and show how school doesn't only come with the stress of your teachers and work, but also the stress of your fellow peers.
Irene S. Levine, Ph.D Middle school frenemies: Why are girls so mean? Psychology Today February 24 2010

Should hair length be regulated by school dress codes?
A 4 year old boy in Texas was suspend for having his hair to long because he wanted to grow it and cut it for a kid with cancer. The school gave him options such as braiding it or pinning it up but wouldn't allow him to leave it down. It seems like this school is a lot more interested in dress code then teaching the students what they have to learn. This could help my paper if i compare dress codes and how they sometimes help with self confidence and competition between students, teachers may pay to much attention to it instead of the curriculum there supposed to be teaching.

Dress codes limit the ability a kid has to express themselves. Just because a school has a dress code shouldn't make them a better school. I want to use this in my paper to prove how having a dress code doesn't effect the way a kid can learn, or perform in school.

A.D.H.D and the effect it has with kids in class.
It is much harder for a child with A.D.H.D to focus and maintain concentration when given an a long assignment. They are distracted easily and tend to do better when given assignments that involve speaking or typing something on the computer. Although i disagree with some of what is said in this article i want to use this in my paper to show some of the side effects and how teachers could make learning a little easier for kids with A.D.H.D even tho now a days it seems like every child has it."ADHD in school." Rev. of Ways to improve kids learning who have ADHD. Web log post.FamilyEducation. Ed. Alan Wachtel. Web. 1 Mar. 2010. .

After look at my second article about ADHD and how teachers should handle it, they both had similar steps and suggestions, such as giving short quizzes giving more verbal assignments, etc. This will help my paper because it will show that teachers do care and are trying to find a solution for this common problem, but i want to really know if they work. I will be looking for more sites with statistics on if these suggestions really help a child with ADHD focus, because personally i think the person with ADHD will be distracted regardless it all depends if there drawn into the class work/assignment. "Dealing with ADHD in the classroom ." HomeroomTeacher (1998): 1. Web. 1 Mar 2010. .

A class room with 30 students is most likely to have between 1 to 3 students with ADHD, 1/4Th of children with ADHD have another disability such as oral expression, reading compression, and or math. These are only some of the statistics that Dr. Russell Barkley stated. This i can use in my paper to compare to other statistics based off of how teachers follow through to help the students.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Why do you think teenagers spend more time socializing, then focusing in school? Please explain.

"School is not as interesting as people an they want to enjoy life an they spend more time socializing because they are focusing more on the present not the future"

What's your opinion on test and quizzes? Do you think test such as midterms should be the last thing your grade is based off of? Explain in detail your opinion.

"I don't think our last grade should be on midterms because we Could fail the midterm just because we are not good at taking tests but know the concept of it I think sometimes it's good to have little quizzes an what not to show the kid's understanding."


What about school would you change so that it would be more fun?

"I would like to go outside the class room more, instead of sitting in a chair all day. If I were to change school in order to make it more fun, I would like to leave the classroom more often to learn classroom topics. For example visiting more museums, and theaters. I would also include more curriculum activities during school hours, such as music, art or dance. Teenagers have a life other than going to school. I would make shorter school days in order for us to go on with the rest of our day."

If school started later and we didn't have so many rules such as no texting, or talking in class do you think more kids would come/ stay in school? Why or why not

"The rules in schools being less strict wouldn't make a difference in the attendance of students. Students who constantly miss school or drop out are doing this because they are either too lazy to do the work, so they decide not to attend, or because they want to just hang out. Texting or talking in class being allowed wouldn't make a difference because; students find a way to text and talk in school anyway. Most students’s, who drop out of school, drop out because. They don't get the work, this is why teachers should take time out with students like this and we wont have as many dropouts."

My mom

What do you think changed from when you where in school to know? Do you think if corporal punishment was still allowed, kids would behave better in school?

"There appears to be less structure in the way young people are taught school today from the way I was taught. We were expected to memorize quite a bit of information for all our subjects with flawless spelling and excellent penmanship. Young people today are encouraged to understand the big picture and present their grasp of the subject matter thoughtfully as opposed to a lot of detail and countless hours of homework. I would like to think that the students today can express themselves more freely than we did years ago. Certain subjects were taboo especially for those of us who attended the local parochial schools and some of us were considered to be naive when we moved on to college. We did have less distractions than the students of today and schools were safer and better maintained. Corporal punishment often" upset everyone in the classroom and did not model appropriate behavior in my opinion, however, it did result in a quiet classroom environment with more learning and less disruption."

If you knew school would effect your future so much would you have taken school more seriously at a younger age?And if you already did, what/who made you take it seriously?

"Yes, I would have been much more serious about my understanding of the subject matter and less concerned with the detail. When I left HS I took a full-time job. The great job I took was counting securities by hand and mailing them out. Within 8 weeks I was registered for college to avoid the boring work and to sink my teeth into a more meaningful career. After all if I was going to work a good part of my life, I should really like what I am doing."

If you had the amount of technology we have now when you were in high school do you think you would be more distracted in school and just focused on texting or being on the computer for social reasons?

"I think it would have made our Math courses a lot easier to deal with for sure. At the schools I attended, electronic equipment would not have been allowed unless it was a calculator or a word processor. We mostly communicated in person or one on one phone conversations which gave us a lot of practice in verbally communicating our feelings."


Why do you think teenagers spend more time socializing, then focusing in school? Please explain.

"I think this is because some teenagers don't understand the work or don't feel like thinking. It can also be because of some teens ego, Talking seems much more cooler then doing work cause when you do, you seem like a "nerd"."

If school started later and we didn't have so many rules such as no texting, or talking in class do you think more kids would come/ stay in school? Why or why not

"well i think both, I think the reason why kids would go is because they can pass easily, Do what they want with out and consequences. Reason why they won't go to school is because They wouldn't see any reason to go."

If you knew school would effect your future so much would you have taken school more seriously at a younger age? And if you already did, what/who made you take it seriously?

"Hell fucking yeah. I would of stayed on top of my stuff. I didn't know it was so important until junior and senior year. I would of studied for the s.a.t in freshman year instead of waiting so late. I Feel like the institute waits too long for students to do something. Sometimes I feel like they set it up for us to fail."

Part B

I reread over my mom's answer to the first question i asked her (what do you think changed from when you went to school to know? And how do you think corporal punishment would effect kids now?) And i found it interesting how she was taught small important facts while now a days we are taught main ideas, and how penmanship was taken very serious. In school most of our papers are asked to be typed and many classes use blogs... does technology have an effect on the values of what school use to be about? Such as writing and grammar? Everything is automatic now when we type so our brains don't do as much work... is this indicating a downfall in schools?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Part A and B of school

Part A
1. Why are classes spilt into the smart kids and the "dumb" or slower kids, why can't we all be looked at as the same?
2. Why is it that grades and test such as the S.A.Ts determine weather or not where smart and what kind of a future we will have?
3. What occurred that allowed corporal punishment to start and end?

1.School has all these rules no food in class, no phones, no running, blah blah blah everyone knows each rules is broken by at least two students a day. Why make up rules for school when there just going to be broken? Cellphones and food should be allowed as long as we focus afterwards and not cause a disruption.
2. School was probably made so that kids couldn't figure out a way to over power the government.
3. Our futures shouldn't be based off of test such as the S.A.Ts, regents and grades.

1. Getting suspended is stupid
2. Having my mother called or emailed because i talk to much is pointless and makes me want to sabatash your class.
3. School lunches should be illegal and if not they should be made better and not taste like plastic and rubber.

Part B
I've been getting in trouble at school since second grade. Weather its running in the halls, txting in class, or talking back to the teacher i always seem to get caught. What i don't understand about school is why must the teachers be such snitches? If they can't handle you they tell the principle's who then tells your parents. Once you get home your parents explode on you. Now i understand that i shouldn't have done what i did in order to get in trouble but there are some things that parent's shouldn't be bothered with. Especially if its for the same reasons (such as talking to much in class).

If the teachers can't handle there students then they shouldn't be getting paid to teach us. I have had a lot of experiences with getting suspended and i find it the dumbest thing in the world. School of The Future is the only school that makes us come in until 10. We might as well just stay for the whole day. The rules that school's make seem so pointless at this age i don't understand why parent's agree with them and take the teachers side when we get in trouble.

Schools are places for kids to go when parents don't know what to do with there kids and need to be alone, and since where forced to go we don't appreciate it as much. If schools where made more interesting and fun then a lot more kids would be eager to go and not cause so much havoc.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

cool art project

Some insights my art might give off is that cool is just pointless trends that are based of of name brand items that are really expensive. I hope when people look at my art they see that even though someone with a lot of name brand items are cool that's not what only makes them. My art shows the stereo types of cool... not necessarily what makes someone cool.

While making this art project i had to download a special program so i could write words over the picture, i then thought of words to put over the picture that would represent some stereo types of cool and concepts of cool. I then added a sentence in the middle of my idea of cool. " In order to feel cool we follow trends" i felt like this tied my ideas up because people who don't follow the newest trends are still cool in there own way. Its not all about the outside appearance, that;s why i added "pointless trends" in between the sneakers. I choose the picture of the two sneakers because there Jordan's and people get recognized for the shoes they wear on there feet and if your seen with a symbol of a flying man on your sneaker then your cooler then a kid with just a Nike check.

I find making art cool and a way to express yourself and ideas. Every ones interpretations are different so being able to express them through art is cool because you never no what you will end up with. Its like a jungle expect anything and everything even exotic things you thought never existed.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Final Draft

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