Wednesday, March 10, 2010

HW 44

After reading Obama's "Back to school" speech i felt like him connecting his speech back to his life was a nice touch but i didn't feel like that changed the way i felt about the first day of school and sleeping in. He brought up responsibility's and how if everyone put there part in America could have some of the best teachers and schools, but then he slides in his own opinion and sorts of puts us down and says if we don't fulfil our responsibility's we won't achieve his goal of having amazing schools and teacher's. I feel like this relates to the classroom because although most teachers look out for the students and try to help them out, some teachers slip in slick comments that just demotivate us to do anything and shoot our self esteem down.

After reading the benefits of intellectual and social awakening, it was clear to me that people who have a strong opinion about education and school always have a strong clear plan they want to follow in order to put there plan in action. Both articles had very strong opinions about making classrooms and teachers the best they can be and responsibility's. Although i agree that if more schools had better teachers and curriculum it would make some students want to come to school more, but i think if school wasn't so demanding and didn't require as much work and stress a majority of the kids would cause less trouble and do a lot better.

If a student gets good grades and goes to a good college that doesn't always mean that they are set with a wonderful job that will pay good money. There are other aspects that connect with getting a good paying job and you don't always gain those aspects from going to school. If people have been trying to improve schools and give us better futures since 1932 and making pledges and have yet to make a major difference in the way schools teach i think that's making a major statement. My opinion to this problem is that schools shouldn't be the decision maker in kids life's, there should be another element so kids who are slower learners have an equal chance of making it big.

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