Wednesday, March 3, 2010

42 Significance

How do teachers help students diagnosed with ADHD?

I believe this topic is significant because there are many children diagnosed with ADHD or ADD such as myself and its very hard for us to stay focused. ( I'm not saying that's an excuse to be distracting in class) I think it would be a lot easier if teachers would take into consideration that kids with attention problems such as staying focus and talking in class should be given assignments that's are more verbal and or more short assignment's so children don't loss focus.

This topic relates to my personal life but it doesn't effect how i am going to live. In school i get distracted but i get my work done. If teachers where more aware of the students with ADD orADHD in there class and made more hands on activities i think it would have made my earlier years of school a lot less stressful and i wouldn't have gotten in as much trouble. Although medicine helps a lot of kids it is still very easy to get caught up in the gossip of school of school and get off task. Not only would the teachers help ADD and ADHD students but they would help the whole class if they did more activities that draw the students in.

This relates to society because many people are effected by ADD and ADHD although society accepts people with ADD and ADHD it would be interesting to see how people would react if the symptoms where more outspoken such as turrets or autism. Society only likes normal itdisagrees with difference and makes up excuses to why difference shouldn't be aloud. Not many schools have a place for disable kids and i believe that should be changed.

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