Monday, February 22, 2010

41 insights into school

Corporal punishment started in England in the middle ages until the early 19Th century, then it lead to the British army and navy, and shortly after that it ended up with 20Th century ancient world teachers beating there students with rods or birch twigs. Corporal punishment progressed into modern day schools. I want to use this to see if kids where scared into behaving better in school back then.
Lambert, Tim. "A BRIEF HISTORY OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT." n. Page. Web. 23 Feb 2010

Private vs public schools
The major difference between public and private school is if the person applying holds enough cash. It is very hard to get a disable kid into a public school because not many public schools have a special Ed programs. Many parents think that just because they are paying a tuition their child is going to get a better education when in most cases that is not true. If i choose to write my paper about this i want to get more into detail how hard it is to get a special Ed kid into a private school and show the pros and cons of each type of school.
Greatschools Staff "Private versus public" great schools February 24 2010

Girls and there effects in school
Girls gossip regardless of there age, race, or social class. In middle school girls gossip in order to fit in and make sure they don't stand out. The media just helps to that gossip by giving off this barbie doll image that most young girls are raised off of. This i can use to explain and show how school doesn't only come with the stress of your teachers and work, but also the stress of your fellow peers.
Irene S. Levine, Ph.D Middle school frenemies: Why are girls so mean? Psychology Today February 24 2010

Should hair length be regulated by school dress codes?
A 4 year old boy in Texas was suspend for having his hair to long because he wanted to grow it and cut it for a kid with cancer. The school gave him options such as braiding it or pinning it up but wouldn't allow him to leave it down. It seems like this school is a lot more interested in dress code then teaching the students what they have to learn. This could help my paper if i compare dress codes and how they sometimes help with self confidence and competition between students, teachers may pay to much attention to it instead of the curriculum there supposed to be teaching.

Dress codes limit the ability a kid has to express themselves. Just because a school has a dress code shouldn't make them a better school. I want to use this in my paper to prove how having a dress code doesn't effect the way a kid can learn, or perform in school.

A.D.H.D and the effect it has with kids in class.
It is much harder for a child with A.D.H.D to focus and maintain concentration when given an a long assignment. They are distracted easily and tend to do better when given assignments that involve speaking or typing something on the computer. Although i disagree with some of what is said in this article i want to use this in my paper to show some of the side effects and how teachers could make learning a little easier for kids with A.D.H.D even tho now a days it seems like every child has it."ADHD in school." Rev. of Ways to improve kids learning who have ADHD. Web log post.FamilyEducation. Ed. Alan Wachtel. Web. 1 Mar. 2010. .

After look at my second article about ADHD and how teachers should handle it, they both had similar steps and suggestions, such as giving short quizzes giving more verbal assignments, etc. This will help my paper because it will show that teachers do care and are trying to find a solution for this common problem, but i want to really know if they work. I will be looking for more sites with statistics on if these suggestions really help a child with ADHD focus, because personally i think the person with ADHD will be distracted regardless it all depends if there drawn into the class work/assignment. "Dealing with ADHD in the classroom ." HomeroomTeacher (1998): 1. Web. 1 Mar 2010. .

A class room with 30 students is most likely to have between 1 to 3 students with ADHD, 1/4Th of children with ADHD have another disability such as oral expression, reading compression, and or math. These are only some of the statistics that Dr. Russell Barkley stated. This i can use in my paper to compare to other statistics based off of how teachers follow through to help the students.

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