Monday, February 8, 2010

Part A and B of school

Part A
1. Why are classes spilt into the smart kids and the "dumb" or slower kids, why can't we all be looked at as the same?
2. Why is it that grades and test such as the S.A.Ts determine weather or not where smart and what kind of a future we will have?
3. What occurred that allowed corporal punishment to start and end?

1.School has all these rules no food in class, no phones, no running, blah blah blah everyone knows each rules is broken by at least two students a day. Why make up rules for school when there just going to be broken? Cellphones and food should be allowed as long as we focus afterwards and not cause a disruption.
2. School was probably made so that kids couldn't figure out a way to over power the government.
3. Our futures shouldn't be based off of test such as the S.A.Ts, regents and grades.

1. Getting suspended is stupid
2. Having my mother called or emailed because i talk to much is pointless and makes me want to sabatash your class.
3. School lunches should be illegal and if not they should be made better and not taste like plastic and rubber.

Part B
I've been getting in trouble at school since second grade. Weather its running in the halls, txting in class, or talking back to the teacher i always seem to get caught. What i don't understand about school is why must the teachers be such snitches? If they can't handle you they tell the principle's who then tells your parents. Once you get home your parents explode on you. Now i understand that i shouldn't have done what i did in order to get in trouble but there are some things that parent's shouldn't be bothered with. Especially if its for the same reasons (such as talking to much in class).

If the teachers can't handle there students then they shouldn't be getting paid to teach us. I have had a lot of experiences with getting suspended and i find it the dumbest thing in the world. School of The Future is the only school that makes us come in until 10. We might as well just stay for the whole day. The rules that school's make seem so pointless at this age i don't understand why parent's agree with them and take the teachers side when we get in trouble.

Schools are places for kids to go when parents don't know what to do with there kids and need to be alone, and since where forced to go we don't appreciate it as much. If schools where made more interesting and fun then a lot more kids would be eager to go and not cause so much havoc.

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