Monday, May 3, 2010

survey response

Part 2: While taking the survey i read the questions out loud to my mom and surprisingly enough here answers where the same as mine. Although my mother was standing right next to me i was very honest about my answers and surprisingly that brought up grate talk at the dinner table. There weren't many questions that made me stop and think, but there where ones that shocked me. Such as is there violence or drug abuse in your house hold. I found questions like this personal but also alarming.

part 3: After looking over the results of the survey i found it interesting how when people where asked if they valued there family, if there family valued them, and if they trust there family majority of people said yes exactly, but when the question "have you thought about suicide" 5 people said yes extremely and 12 said yes generally, my thoughts about this where that if people have such respect for there family and love for there family why are kids thinking about suicide ? Also when students where asked if friends come over family 18 students responded with maybe, sometimes. So when looking over these responses i don't know how students can value there family so much but then say they would choose a friend before family. I believe some students might have found this survey a way to tell someone how they truly feel (when talking about suicide) and because they love there family so much they didn't want to hurt them by telling them how they really feel, I'm not sure how accurate my assumption is but its

part 4: When comparing the first survey about sex and adolescence to the survey we took the section consisting of partnering, romance, and sexuality it was interesting to see that teen women between 15 and 19 account for one third of chlamydia and gonorrhea infections, and when students between the ages of 16 and 17 where asked if they had unprotected sex in total 4 people said no. Its obvious why young teen moms between the ages of 15 and 19 are getting disease because they have unprotected sex. It would be interesting to see if that question (do you have unprotected sex) was asked in person with girls between the ages of 15 and 19 if they would answer truthfully or lie. Comparing both of these surveys shows that no matter where the survey comes from the answers will most likely be similar and when comparing two different surveys on the same topic you see how when the age group in which you are talking about is answering the questions the results are similar to the survey that just gathered up information. After taking this survey and comparing to other surveys i realized that surveys are a great way to gain information that is mostly accurate and you get your answers quickly.

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