Monday, May 10, 2010

Part 1: why do some relationships fall apart once a label is given to them while other relationships stay strong?

part 2:
Matt's: i found your question to be very deep and interesting. I've never heard someone ask me this but i believe this is a good question and i have know correction to give you.

Leah: i think your question is good but maybe you want to focus on one certain aspect of a relationship such as how do insecurities make a relationship end or another aspect that your interested in (ex's, trust, past experiences e.c.t.)

part 3: Revised question... How do some relationships fall apart once a label is given to them while other relationships stay strong?

I typed into google "how to make love work" and i found an interesting site advertising the 3 essentials to making a relationship work. 1. rules 2. roles 3. rituals I figured that a new couple using these 3 "tips" or "rules" to start there new relationship could be scared of having to abide by rules and obligations so there only way out of the situation is breaking up. Fortinberry, Alicia. "What makes a Relationship work? ."The 3 Essentials for Building Successful Relationships . 2000. Print.

"why do relationships fail?" Stated We are living in a divorce culture. Out of the couples who do remain married, it’s certain that a good number are no longer happy or in love, despite the fact they aren’t officially divorced. It's estimated that 75 to 80 percent of all relationships fail." Meaning most couples aren't happy and fail because they fall out of love with each other. This can help me answer my question because i can relate my question to married couples and interview a married couple and see if they agree or disagree with what this website stated( obviously ill ask each partner in the relationship separately) "Why do Relationships Fail? And WHat to do about it! 431." Why do Relationships fail? And Relationships Restoration! (2007): n. pag. Web. 13 May 2010. .

The title of couple might bring back the fear of a past relationships, or once they become a "couple" they get bored with each other, there's only sex and no communication, at least these are some of the reasons said by These 10 reasons of why relationships end can help me minimize some of the more common reasons relationships end. "The Top Ten Reasons Couples Break Up." Top Ten Reasons Couples Break Up (2009): n. pag. Web. 13 May 2010. .

Another website stated that some reasons for breaking up are caused by not communicating, neglecting the other persons feelings, and boring although these are only some reasons they are similar or the same as to the website i found before this. So i want to compare and contrast what ends a relationship the most and see if that connects to being an actual couple. Michaels, Erik "Top 6 Reasons Couples Break Up." Top 6 Reasons Couples Break Up. 9 Nov. 2007 13 May. 2010


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