Sunday, April 25, 2010

hw 49

My contribution to the film was that i was one of the students that was trying to save the teacher, and help him quit his addiction. Although we didn't finish the film i believe the tone and message still got across. We chose to do the opposite of all the teacher savior films we saw and use the students as the savior instead of the teacher. In our film the kids helped open up the teachers eyes and make him realize he was a role model for all his students and that what he was doing wouldn't only effect him in the long run but would also effect the people who looked up to him.

He was trying to teach the students about the dark side of history and this really intrigued all of them, since the first day of school the teacher gained the students respect, so when students found him in his room after a school party they found out about his addiction, this makes the tone very dark and sketchy. The movie goes from being motivating to a tremendous downfall. Even though the students helped the teacher recuperate and stop his habit for a while he has a relapse becasue his best friend dies and all there hard work goes right back down the drain.

Now compared to the teacher savior films we saw in class i don't think ours can be compared (and i don't mean that in a good way) one we did not finish, and two i don't think the "saving" really helped the person in need. There wasn't a dramatic turn around and respect was lost not gained. Some things that can be compared is that in both our film and the ones we saw in class there was always the group of students that cared and where on the teachers side. Also there was some change in everyones attitude and there was a turning point in the films.I believe that if we had more time and actually finished the film we would have been able to really show the "saving" and how the students really impacted the teachers life.

In our culture many teachers either try to hard to be a savior or they just don't care. During the time period of the movies we watched the teachers cared a lot more about helping there students and really trying to get them interested in school and there future but in our culture now teachers seem a lot more bored with there job and just want the school year to be over just as much as the kids. If more teachers spent more time caring about students individually i think it would show that teachers care more and the bond between the teacher and students as a whole would be stronger.

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