Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Matt's treasure hunt

I found your homework 11 very comical. Even though you overdosed on electronics you were very open about the whole experience. I thought this was one of your better blog post because you could connect to what you were writing about and it was obvious that you enjoyed writing about it. You also got into depth about everything, you explained the new things you unlocked and i images of you playing call of duty and guitar hero. I also noticed how you didn't have very many spelling or grammar mistakes which shows you took my advice and reread your work. :) 

It was funny how after you won guitar hero you felt really accomplished but the next morning you felt like none of it mattered anymore and in the long run you accomplished nothing but maybe getting a cramp in your hand from holding a controller all day. That brings up a great point how after we do something electronically we end up not really being effected by it other then our eyes hurting or our hands burning from the cramp we get. 
I feel like your post connects to many discussions we had in class, because you brought up how you were isolated from the rest of your house when you were playing and that connects to how everyone thought that we all looked like zombies in our videos. When we get enhanced into something digital we don't pay attention to our surroundings and lose track of everything. 

You took my advice about rereading your work so i don't know what to really say to improve your post except for you can always go deeper in your ideas. If you think your done try and expand your ideas with a different point of view or add evidence to support your idea.

You made me wonder about how much time i really spend on playing video games and how even though i may feel accomplished at that moment or for a few moments after the next day it won't mean anything to me and it doesn't help me achieve anything in life.

I hope to read more post like this one. 

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