Sunday, November 1, 2009


Thesis: Digital media has given society an excuse to become socially challenged and mentally brainwashed. 

Intro: Society has found many ways to get information. Weather its using a phone, using a computer or going to the local Starbucks to access the Internet, there are many ways to get information fast. It all seems great until you start to see how socially unbalanced you become. Instead of seeing someone in person you text them, instead of expressing your feelings you use a device. As a society we are using digital media as a barrier to hide our true self's. 

Arguments: We are more worried about having the newest technology and fitting in instead of how its going to effect us. (I'm going to use face book and twitter as evidence and how many people are accsed to it.)

How we are turned into zombies when we are enhanced into digital media. Such as texting or playing video games. (I will use the video assignment as evidence) 

Compare the movie wall-e to the corruption of our brains. 

Conclusion: Tie everything back up such as how electronics are a good thing but to much of it is corrupting our brains and social skills. Restate my thesis and end of with a stunning closing sentence.  



  1. steph,

    I think that you have a very interesting thesis about how we are becoming brainwashed. I think if you were to elaborate on the point about places like starbucks providing internet to attract customers and more money, would be a very good point in your paper. one suggestion I have is to not say that we have turned into zombies. I think you should say that we have become entranced by technology and that we are imprisoned by technology and once it fails us we panic. overall i think you can have a potentially strong paper if you can create strong arguments.

  2. I think your outline is good so far. Your thesis i enjoyed because i have the same ideas and how you talked about people being socially challenged. I think you shoud talk more about the movie Wall-E and what happened exactly. I agree with Matt that you have good arguments and you have potential for a great paper. =)
