Monday, November 16, 2009

What's cool?!

I don't have any questions about being cool. I find the word "cool" to be a very debatable word. On Friday we discussed how someone can be seen as cool for skipping school and then if someone graduates college with a full scholarship they are also seen as cool. So depending on the context in which cool is being used it have very different meanings. 

There are many different types of "cool" there are the kids who are jock cool, rocker cool, skater cool.. etc. Each group has there own type of cool, and each clique view's cool as something different. I find cool someone who can be associated with one specific clique but still be able to be unique and there own person. Someone who doesn't always follow there friends, they act as a leader. I think that even if someone follows all the trends and wears things or has things that everyone else has, if they wear it in a different way they are considered cool because they are turning the trend into there own style.

Our society is based off of money, so when someone is being talked about there social class usually comes up and then they are judged. But some of my friends shop at second hand stores and still are considered cool because they make up there own style which is considered unique and different. There are also many celebrities that started the trend of second hand stores so i don't think anyone should be judged based on how much there outfit cost in relation to coolness. This relates to feed because you weren't considered cool if you didn't have the latest updates on your feed. 

This all ties back to how our society bases one another on the latest things instead of looking at the persons uniqueness... such ass if they can turn the latest trend into something that only a few people will have. 

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