Monday, October 5, 2009

I looked up can Mac's get viruses? I choice to look this up as one of my links because in class today during English a girl said "My computer has a virus" Everyone got all excited and took pictures of the virus because it was a Mac and Mac's aren't supposed to get viruses. 

Reading through the link it explain why Mac's are less prone to viruses and that's because it's build on the UNIX kernel which is one of the most oldest and safest systems to use. I found this interesting because if computer companies know this why don't they all use the same system so then no computer can get a virus? Companies seem very stingy with there software and instead of trying to look out for the customers they only look out for themselves and the money they make.

People are definitely addicted to there cellphone... weather they have the new iPhone or the newest sidekick people mostly teens are always texting. T-Mobil didn't have any service this weekend or today. All the kids were going crazy because they couldn't sign on to aim or get on the Internet. Now with Verizon the best cellphone serviced company that never has happened.

After reading the article on why consumers think Verizon is the best network i found it interesting how they judge Verizon on there service instead of all the aspects of the cellphone. Such as does it go on the Internet does it have the best keyboard etc.  They just based it on does it always work.
I don't really play video games very much but i do like having the newest games, so ever so often i look at the new releases of games. As i was scrolling down the page i saw the preview for the saw 3 game. Now that movie is one of the most nasty,sickest,mind bending movies I've ever watch. So to even think about how that is turned into a video game just makes me wonder what it will teach all of these kids. Will they all think its okay to act like that in real life? Video games are becoming to realistic for me. 

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