Monday, October 19, 2009

feed B

Feed was definitely in my eyes was a great way to show a common problem that most of us are going through... our addiction to electronics/ digital media. M.T Anderson was creative in which he decided to bring this to our attention. He uses the art of writing to not warn us but show us how our actions are really effecting us in the future.

M.T Anderson not only writes about our daily activities but also uses certain techniques to point out how bad our habits really are. One of his main points of how we are turning into zombies because of all the digital use related to the project we did were we recorded ourselves doing digital media. Everyone looked like a zombie and had no idea of what was going on around them except for what they were looking at or doing. This relates to feed because everyone in feed try's to fit in by having a "Feed" and in the real world we all try to fit in by having the newest ipod, computer or cellphone. 

For my project id like to show how electronics are corrupting our minds and how in the end we are all going to turn into non social human beings. I also want to try and get across how it's not toatly bad to use digital media, just how it should be used in moderation. 

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