Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Matt's treasure hunt

I found your homework 11 very comical. Even though you overdosed on electronics you were very open about the whole experience. I thought this was one of your better blog post because you could connect to what you were writing about and it was obvious that you enjoyed writing about it. You also got into depth about everything, you explained the new things you unlocked and i images of you playing call of duty and guitar hero. I also noticed how you didn't have very many spelling or grammar mistakes which shows you took my advice and reread your work. :) 

It was funny how after you won guitar hero you felt really accomplished but the next morning you felt like none of it mattered anymore and in the long run you accomplished nothing but maybe getting a cramp in your hand from holding a controller all day. That brings up a great point how after we do something electronically we end up not really being effected by it other then our eyes hurting or our hands burning from the cramp we get. 
I feel like your post connects to many discussions we had in class, because you brought up how you were isolated from the rest of your house when you were playing and that connects to how everyone thought that we all looked like zombies in our videos. When we get enhanced into something digital we don't pay attention to our surroundings and lose track of everything. 

You took my advice about rereading your work so i don't know what to really say to improve your post except for you can always go deeper in your ideas. If you think your done try and expand your ideas with a different point of view or add evidence to support your idea.

You made me wonder about how much time i really spend on playing video games and how even though i may feel accomplished at that moment or for a few moments after the next day it won't mean anything to me and it doesn't help me achieve anything in life.

I hope to read more post like this one. 

Leah's treasure hunt

Leah Leah Leah :) 

I read through your post and your feed A stood out to me the most. I really liked how you evaluated Titus and brought up the topic of how he is scared of living life without the feed because he rely's on it so much. At the beginning of the post you connect Feed to your personal life and really got into detail and i thought it made the post a lot more meaningful because you weren't talking aimlessly. 

Your main points of how you connect the feed to television and cellphones but how as a teenager we still think on our own...i feel like that was very insightful because in class discussions i don't recall anyone bringing up that point. They either agree or disagree that we are similar to the feed. Another great point was when you compared Titus to us and violet to the writer... i never thought of it like that and it helped me get a better understanding of the book and why certain things were written the way they were.

It is obvious that both the feed and the digital world connect. As you stated in your opening paragraph televisions and cellphones are similar to the feed because they shoot out information to us and most people in society try to buy the newest device that comes out. When if you really stop to think about it... THERE ALL THE SAME!

I think that if you added some specific quotes to your blogs when referring to Feed or any other book we read in class. I really enjoyed reading this blog though you connected everything together and you brought up really good main points that i wouldn't have thought of. 

Your last sentence "I think the author is right about what he is saying and i did not really think of it as much and it kind of made me feel like I'm dumbing down with the future technology." really made me think about how when i beg my mom for a new cellphone when my phone does the same exact thing i should think about how the company/ device is really brain washing me and just wants money. 

I can't wait to read you blogs to come i really enjoyed this one.  

Monday, October 19, 2009

feed B

Feed was definitely in my eyes was a great way to show a common problem that most of us are going through... our addiction to electronics/ digital media. M.T Anderson was creative in which he decided to bring this to our attention. He uses the art of writing to not warn us but show us how our actions are really effecting us in the future.

M.T Anderson not only writes about our daily activities but also uses certain techniques to point out how bad our habits really are. One of his main points of how we are turning into zombies because of all the digital use related to the project we did were we recorded ourselves doing digital media. Everyone looked like a zombie and had no idea of what was going on around them except for what they were looking at or doing. This relates to feed because everyone in feed try's to fit in by having a "Feed" and in the real world we all try to fit in by having the newest ipod, computer or cellphone. 

For my project id like to show how electronics are corrupting our minds and how in the end we are all going to turn into non social human beings. I also want to try and get across how it's not toatly bad to use digital media, just how it should be used in moderation. 

Saturday, October 17, 2009

feed A

First thing i thought about after reading a couple of chapters of Feed was how similar the Feed seemed to a blue tooth. We use blue tooth's as a way of communication just like the feed does. We talk into air and wait for an electronic voice to answer us, Titus looks into his feed and becomes distant from the world because he watches a world wide television in his mind, his relationship's with his friends and family are nothing more then a digital connection that holds no emotions. 

Feed definitely connects to how teenagers act. We usually just party and don't care much about anything else. Just like in Feed we follow all the new trends like the new sneakers, phones, clothes anything to fit in with everyone, such as the girls in Feed did with the lesions and how they become cool because t.v stars had them. 

As i read on i find Feed a description of how we are as a society now... not what we are going to become. I think the author was trying to bring to our attention how socially dumb we are becoming and how electronics are effecting us personally and as a whole. The main character Titus is a perfect example of a teenager who uses electronics to much. He doesn't even call his brother by his real name... he barley talks to his dad, and his mom is so busy loving his little brother. Thing is Titus doesn't even take the time to reach out to anyone he is to busy worrying about his feed and being caught up in a fake version of life. Such as teenagers do now. We text all the time instead of talking to the person right in front of us and we rather take face book photos and flaunt our fakeness instead of being original an not relying on digital media to keep us entertained. 


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hw 11

After going over all this electronic media i have decided to lesson how much of it i use. I used to be on aim and texting and talking on the phone while doing homework. Now i don't sign on aim when doing homework and turn my phone off until I'm done with my homework. This was really effective because i was more concentrated on my work and i finished a lot quicker because i was distracted. 

In school i stopped texting as much. I only text in between classes now and i see an improvement in my grades already. With all the quizzes i already took I've done a lot better because I'm more focused in class. 

Im glad I have cut down on my use of electronics because it gives me more time to work on school and interact with my family more.

Monday, October 5, 2009


I looked up can Mac's get viruses? I choice to look this up as one of my links because in class today during English a girl said "My computer has a virus" Everyone got all excited and took pictures of the virus because it was a Mac and Mac's aren't supposed to get viruses. 

Reading through the link it explain why Mac's are less prone to viruses and that's because it's build on the UNIX kernel which is one of the most oldest and safest systems to use. I found this interesting because if computer companies know this why don't they all use the same system so then no computer can get a virus? Companies seem very stingy with there software and instead of trying to look out for the customers they only look out for themselves and the money they make.


People are definitely addicted to there cellphone... weather they have the new iPhone or the newest sidekick people mostly teens are always texting. T-Mobil didn't have any service this weekend or today. All the kids were going crazy because they couldn't sign on to aim or get on the Internet. Now with Verizon the best cellphone serviced company that never has happened.

After reading the article on why consumers think Verizon is the best network i found it interesting how they judge Verizon on there service instead of all the aspects of the cellphone. Such as does it go on the Internet does it have the best keyboard etc.  They just based it on does it always work. 

I don't really play video games very much but i do like having the newest games, so ever so often i look at the new releases of games. As i was scrolling down the page i saw the preview for the saw 3 game. Now that movie is one of the most nasty,sickest,mind bending movies I've ever watch. So to even think about how that is turned into a video game just makes me wonder what it will teach all of these kids. Will they all think its okay to act like that in real life? Video games are becoming to realistic for me. 

Saturday, October 3, 2009

comments on leah's video

You don't have a video so i am going to comment what you said about your video.

It's funny how you thought you looked like a zombie and then you commented on my video and also thought i looked like a zombie. It seems like when ever someone is interacting with technology they just concentrate on that instead of the normal things we do. 

Your main idea of how we get so inhanced into digital media that we become lifeless is very important. I agree with you that we do become lifeless and its like were not even in our own state of mind or body...Thats why i think everything should be done in moderation.

You should have tried to put your video up so i could have connected to it more and see what you meant by "zombie" but overall i like how you analysied your own actions. 

I cant wait to read/see more of you blogs.

HW 9 response to leah's comments

I appriciated your input about my video. You really anaylized it and connected my actions to yourself. Your comments such as would i want my younger siblings or children in the future doing this really made me think about how much digital media im using when i could be doing something way more productive... so the answer to that question would be no i wouldn't want them using so much technology because they should be spending there time on something a lot more productive. I agree that i looked like a zombie when i was playing and most people do. They put all of there normal motions on hold... such as peeing, eating, or even not scratching an itch they have. I like how you asked me a question to push my thinking. I enjoyed your feedback thanks for taking the time to comment on my video.

HW9 response to matt's comments of my video

After i read your comment i saw that you spent a lot of time writing your response. It made me smile how you thought my video was funny and it made you laugh as well. Your comments were very thoughtful and will help me further with my videos. Such as when you said i should record my whole face instead of just the side of it. When you starting talking about how my video reminded you of yourself and how you curse at it, it made me think how in reality when i lose i do curse at the game and i throw the control. I was just keeping everything in moderation such as language. It's interesting how both of our opinions are the same about how we get so withdrawn into something thats not even real, and how our body movements only happen if there connected to the electronic where playing with. Thanks for the insightful comments.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

hw 8 comments on matt's blog

Hmm... it's easy to see how drawn in we get when we are using electronics. While watching your video i liked how you wen on your phone or ipod and showed us what you were doing, so it didn't look like you were doing nothing.

The main idea was how mesmerized someone gets when using electronics and when we use electronics we use more then one.

This connects to my video because i was using electronics and not really paying attention to anything around me. Just like you didnt. 

I dont really know how to expand you ideas on a video but good work

im excited to see your next video.