Monday, November 30, 2009

Who's Cool?


What about yourself do you copy from press in order to be/look cool?
"I only dress to please myself not the people around me. As long as I'm comfortable in my own skin that's all that counts."

On a scale of 1-10, where on the scale do you think you fall in? (10 being the coolest) 
"I think i am a 7-8 because I'm a pretty cool person and well rounded."

What quality's make you cool?
"My kindness, and my warm loving personality. Also that I'm overall a nice person." 


What about yourself do you copy from press in order to be/look cool?
"Well i don't copy people i dress buy something that i like and sometimes I'm the first person to get something."

On a scale of 1-10, where on the scale do you think you fall in? (10 being the coolest) 
"I think i fall at an 8 because I think I'm cool but others might not think so."

What quality's make you cool?
" The person i am and my personality"


What about yourself do you copy from press in order to be/look cool?
"Sometimes i will see clothes on other people and say to myself "oh that looks cute" and try to create that"

On a scale of 1-10, where on the scale do you think you fall in? (10 being the coolest) 
"8 because i am happy with myself!"

What quality's make you cool?
"I'm outgoing and i can have a fun time just about everywhere i go. I like to make new friends and surround myself with funny people"


Picture 056.jpg

On a scale of 1-10, how cool do you think you are?
" i think I'm a 9 because i can stand alone and by myself. Be my own person. I am a trendsetter."

Whats is your initial thought when you think of the word "cool"?
"I think of the world being perfect,cartoons,good hair,good weight,good clothes, and athletics."

Would you like to be cooler?
"Uhm no, in movies people really like the cool person but there something there not. Not meeting the true them. You know what I'm saying?"

Monday, November 23, 2009

comment's on short story's

Leah's-The line "Giselle raises her hand with excitment and a tiffany's braclet hanging from her wrist" because you describe how she's "cool" because she has expensive name brand things. It's also "Cool" how your character is considered "cool" because she is from a new york. 
Suoinorra's- It was nice how you made the character come from a different state and how they had the challenge of fitting in with new clothes and new people. Your dialogue wasn't as interesting as it could have been but it was nice how you had every character say something.

Matt's- I thought it was really creative how you used Jonathan the cool person but then turn the story around so that Charlie was the main character and the definition of "cool". Your last sentence "For Charlie. being an individual with a voice, was cool." really tied the whole story up and made an impact on me, and changed my opinion about being what it really means to be "cool".

Wassup Yurelis I thought your story was good and creative. It was very similar to how teenagers really act and how many kids only want to be your friend based of the things you have. I thought your whole idea of being a genuine friend and thats what makes you cool was a great interpertation of the word "cool"

Jess's- I thought your story was cool and showed the smart side of being cool.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

cool kidz!

"New txt message"

"Yo wassup E"

"Nothing chillen... u?"

"that's wassup an just chillen in the park... Have you seen the the new Jordan's?!"

"man you should go to school... why you skipping? and hell yea there tuff i got them the day they came out"

"schools whack and dam I'm jealous"

"I disagree but I'm going back to class peace man" 


My day consist of laughing, making jokes in class, and occasionally skipping part of math class to go to the gym and play basketball. 

"Yo i always see you in the halls"

"yea so what? i have all 90's in my classes so blow me son!" 

"ahahaha You to much E" 

I stroll through the halls with no true destination but always seem to say hi to people to pass by. 

"Egypt how come your never in class?" 

"Ms. Lack i am class just not when you come around to my table" 

"hahaha real funny i hope to see you tomorrow" 

"No doubt ms. Lack but I'm off to my next class!" 

I've learned over the years in school that i need to respect the teachers whether i want to or not. They determine my grades and that determines whether or not i play basketball... seeing how basketball is my passion I do everything i can to keep my grades up. 

"Yo mama is so fat she keeps donuts under her belly fat!"

"ahahahah E your so funny"

"Egypt if you don't stop disrupting the class!"

"Sorry Mr. tube i have a.d.d i can't stay focused for long"

"It's alright just try harder"   



Monday, November 16, 2009

What's cool?!

I don't have any questions about being cool. I find the word "cool" to be a very debatable word. On Friday we discussed how someone can be seen as cool for skipping school and then if someone graduates college with a full scholarship they are also seen as cool. So depending on the context in which cool is being used it have very different meanings. 

There are many different types of "cool" there are the kids who are jock cool, rocker cool, skater cool.. etc. Each group has there own type of cool, and each clique view's cool as something different. I find cool someone who can be associated with one specific clique but still be able to be unique and there own person. Someone who doesn't always follow there friends, they act as a leader. I think that even if someone follows all the trends and wears things or has things that everyone else has, if they wear it in a different way they are considered cool because they are turning the trend into there own style.

Our society is based off of money, so when someone is being talked about there social class usually comes up and then they are judged. But some of my friends shop at second hand stores and still are considered cool because they make up there own style which is considered unique and different. There are also many celebrities that started the trend of second hand stores so i don't think anyone should be judged based on how much there outfit cost in relation to coolness. This relates to feed because you weren't considered cool if you didn't have the latest updates on your feed. 

This all ties back to how our society bases one another on the latest things instead of looking at the persons uniqueness... such ass if they can turn the latest trend into something that only a few people will have. 

The Computer

I look into your screen and you don't seem very green
My brain is mush but your way better to look at then a bush
I stay in all day even when it's not grey to spend some quality time that doesn't pay
Now for once in a day i put you away but then realize you need to stay!

What i am talking about is the hammer because it's a reflection of myself.
When you first read my poem it makes you think about what is "green" why am i explaining this emotion. This makes me think of a lot of other things such as a cellphone an ipod a clock... etc. I felt that this is a part of my life and relevant to everyday life! The most interesting aspect of my poem was how i rhymed everything together. And people assumed that it was something else instead of what it was.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

final paper

The effects of Digitization 


Society has found many ways to get common information to everyone. Whether it’s using a phone, using a computer or going to the local starbucks to access the Internet, there are many possible ways to get the information you need. All this technology might seem great until you notice how socially unbalanced you become. Instead of seeing someone in person we text them, we spend more hours on the computer surfing the web and chatting then we do seeing the actual person. We live fake unhealthy and unrealistic lives digital lives. Digital media has given society an excuse to become socially challenged and brainwashed.

Argument 1:

T-Mobil, Verizon, Apple, and Dell. It seems to me that in there own categories (Phone companies and computer brands) they are all in competition with each other. It’s very funny how oblivious people are, because when it gets down to it each device does the same thing as the next. So even if you paid more for the “better” product you are going to receive the same acts as the cheaper product. As a society we are tricked into following trends In order to fit in. Almost every teenager in School Of The Future is connected to Face book or twitter. Face book is an easy way to torment, judge, and make fun of kids with out being judged yourself. There is also the good side of face book which is how it keeps you in contact with so many people and how you make new friends ect… Although Face book seems fun and amusing it is all made of digital representations of things that occurred, so just like a tabloid magazine we as viewers are left to assume and judge things in our own point of view. As people in society get more hooked onto Internet sources such as Face book and Twitter they become socially challenged and lose their ability to make friends in a non-digital way. “The biggest surprise (perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising) was that Facebook’s 35-54 year old demographic segment not only continued to grow the fastest, but it accelerated to a 276.4% growth rate over the past 6 months.” This quote shows just how addictive face book is and how even older people are getting addicted to something so simple as face book.

Argument 2:

From the age of 5 you are able to play them. You get so zoned into them you forget to do normal body functions (such as peeing and blinking) they are known as video games! Many teenagers and adults spend hours upon hours playing video games.I realized that I am good pressing buttons on a plastic guitar. No matter how many achievements I got for the game, it didn't help me in any way. It's not like I won a car or a thousand dollars. I wasn't aware that I was running up my electric bill and that I was isolated from the rest of my apartment for a whole day. I also noticed that yesterday I felt the laziest.” This is a statement made by Matt S after he spent all day playing video games. He spent hours unlocking levels and killing animated people to realize that he accomplished absolutely nothing. For the video project many of us recorded our self’s playing video games, and to my surprise everyone’s reaction was exactly the same. We were all unaware of our surroundings and were so entranced into the video game that we looked like zombies… completely life less. Living a life where half the time we aren’t aware of our surroundings is unhealthy an effects us mentally. It leaves us with a sense of emptiness that can’t be filled. “Over the past few years I’ve had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprogramming the memory.” Nicholas the author of this article is describing how his usage of google has turned his mind into a blob of confusion and how he often wanders off task just to look onto google, instead of focusing on the task in front of him. 

           Argument 3:

 The opening scene of Wall-e was of the town he lived in. But not just any town the town had buildings that were made up of old trash and had oil tanks in the middle of the town towering over all the other buildings.  As the movie goes on Wall-e enters a city that is fully reliable on technology. The people sit in a chair all day and talk into a screen. There is a scene were one of the men get knocked off the chair and he is so fully reliable on technology that he is unable to get up without the help of a robot (Wall-e). If Wall-e is a for shadow of what our society is going to turn into we all need to change our ways immediately. My mom looks exactly like one of the people from Wall-e because she sits in her chair most of the day (until she goes to work at 2) watching television and each day she seam’s to get more lazy and I find myself bringing her more things when she can easily get up and get them herself. As a society we are getting to lazy and realieing on technology too much. Our minds are being mashed into Jell-O and all that keeps us sane is the fact that not everything is turned into digital media yet.

            Opposing view:

Although digital media has bad effects there is also a good side to it. It gives people the opportunity to broadcast important ideas, such as global warning, voting, and other significant things in the world (such as the war in Iraq) it is very easy to get hooked on something that gives you information as quick as a click.  Computers give you information that is regurgitated from real happenings/ facts, it allows us to research anything we like… there are really no boundaries. “The constant improvement of digital technology has helped the economy while simultaneously reducing resources consumption and social communication in our age has lessened loneliness and helped people live happier lives.” With the Internet so easy to access there are many ways for unsocial people to find friends or even love, such as face book and e-harmony. So digital media can be a good thing as long as you don’t abuse it and over use it.


This all connects to the book Feed because M.T Anderson relates our society to this fake electronically based society that all ave computers in their minds that shoots regurgitated information out to them. This book is a perfect example of how our society acts based off of electronics we get so isolated we don't pay attention to whats going on around us. This also connects to everything bad is good for you because the author stated that the digital world allows you to open up to things you never thought of but other people believe it is bad because reading came first. I think people aren't used to all the new technology and it confuses them and find it a lot easier to use a book to find out the information they need instead of going on a computer that can freeze and delete your work at any time. 


The study about digitization is significant because it’s good to know how something that is improving and growing so fast affects us. The digital world has evolved so much over the past 20 yrs. For example how the records turned into a cassette, which then turned into a CD, which soon turned into a digital megabyte that is now accessible through the Internet. It is very important for everyone to know how the digital word is evolving because they need to be aware of how there future is changing and being effected.


I have explained my opinion on the digital world and how I believe it is bad for us and is slowly corrupting our social and mental skills. Even though there are good aspects of digital media it seems as if our society is going to start and rely on technology too much and soon be fully dependent on it when as a society in earlier years we did fine with out all this technology. It was a lot easier to stay focused on what needed to be done when there was less technology. So as time goes on and technology expands I think we should all watch out how much time we spend using it before we all turn into lazy over weight people who can’t do anything without the help of a robot.






Tuesday, November 3, 2009

rough draft

Society has found many ways to get common information to everyone. Whether it’s using a phone, using a computer or going to the local starbucks to access the Internet, there are many possible ways to get the information you need. All this technology might seem great until you notice how socially unbalanced you become. Instead of seeing someone in person we text them, we spend more hours on the computer surfing the web and chatting then we do seeing the actual person. We live fake unhealthy and unrealistic lives digital lives. Digital media has given society an excuse to become socially challenged and brainwashed.

T-Mobil, Verizon, Apple, and Dell. It seems to me that in there own categories (Phone companies and computer brands) they are all in competition with each other. It’s very funny how oblivious people are, because when it gets down to it each device does the same thing as the next. So even if you paid more for the “better” product you are going to receive the same acts as the cheaper product. As a society we are tricked into following trends In order to fit in. Almost every teenager in School Of The Future is connected to Face book or twitter. Face book is an easy way to torment, judge, and make fun of kids with out being judged yourself. There is also the good side of face book which is how it keeps you in contact with so many people and how you make new friends ect… Although Face book seems fun and amusing it is all made of digital representations of things that occurred, so just like a tabloid magazine we as viewers are left to assume and judge things in our own point of view. As people in society get more hooked onto Internet sources such as Face book and Twitter they become socially challenged and lose their ability to make friends in a non-digital way.

From the age of 5 you are able to play them. You get so zoned into them you forget to do normal body functions (such as peeing and blinking) they are known as video games! Many teenagers and adults spend hours upon hours playing video games. “I realized that I am good pressing buttons on a plastic guitar. No matter how many achievements I got for the game, it didn't help me in any way. It's not like I won a car or a thousand dollars. I wasn't aware that I was running up my electric bill and that I was isolated from the rest of my apartment for a whole day. I also noticed that yesterday I felt the laziest.” This is a statement made by Matt S after he spent all day playing video games. He spent hours unlocking levels and killing animated people to realize that he accomplished absolutely nothing. For the video project many of us recorded our self’s playing video games, and to my surprise everyone’s reaction was exactly the same. We were all unaware of our surroundings and were so entranced into the video game that we looked like zombies… completely life less. Living a life where half the time we aren’t aware of our surroundings is unhealthy an effects us mentally. It leaves us with a sense of emptiness that can’t be filled.

            The opening scene of Wall-e was of the town he lived in. But not just any town the town had buildings that were made up of old trash and had oil tanks in the middle of the town towering over all the other buildings.  As the movie goes on Wall-e enters a city that is fully reliable on technology. The people sit in a chair all day and talk into a screen. There is a scene were one of the men get knocked off the chair and he is so fully reliable on technology that he is unable to get up without the help of a robot (Wall-e). If Wall-e is a for shadow of what our society is going to turn into we all need to change our ways immediately. My mom looks exactly like one of the people from Wall-e because she sits in her chair most of the day (until she goes to work at 2) watching television and each day she seam’s to get more lazy and I find myself bringing her more things when she can easily get up and get them herself. As a society we are getting to lazy and realing on technology too much. Our minds are being mashed into Jell-O and all that keeps is sane is the fact that not everything is turned into digital media yet.

Monday, November 2, 2009

comments on Matt's and Leah's

I thought your thesis was outstanding and really put everything we learned into a nut shell. Your outline is a good start but definitely be more elaborate in your paper and use evidence, and make sure to tie everything back. I think your paper will be interesting and you will bring up many good details about the unit. 

I really liked how you got into detail and wrote your arguments out. Your thesis should be a little more on point, and hit more of the main points from the unit. Don;t forget about your conclusion and tying everything back together and leaving us off with a stunning last sentence. Your off to a great start keep up the good work. 

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Thesis: Digital media has given society an excuse to become socially challenged and mentally brainwashed. 

Intro: Society has found many ways to get information. Weather its using a phone, using a computer or going to the local Starbucks to access the Internet, there are many ways to get information fast. It all seems great until you start to see how socially unbalanced you become. Instead of seeing someone in person you text them, instead of expressing your feelings you use a device. As a society we are using digital media as a barrier to hide our true self's. 

Arguments: We are more worried about having the newest technology and fitting in instead of how its going to effect us. (I'm going to use face book and twitter as evidence and how many people are accsed to it.)

How we are turned into zombies when we are enhanced into digital media. Such as texting or playing video games. (I will use the video assignment as evidence) 

Compare the movie wall-e to the corruption of our brains. 

Conclusion: Tie everything back up such as how electronics are a good thing but to much of it is corrupting our brains and social skills. Restate my thesis and end of with a stunning closing sentence.