Monday, December 21, 2009

Part A
I asked Arianna how come people gave her the nickname Arii and she replied with "there was another girl in my class named Arianna so they just started calling me Arii." Those piercings... how come you have them. What made you get a bar across your ear? I got this piercing because not that many people have it and at the time it seemed cool. But after while i got tired of it. 
I think Arianna just spit out answers and didn't really think about them because she was bothered that i was asking her. 

Part B
I have many nicknames such as lefty,steffie,and blue (because of my eyes), i tend to act like i don't care when i get in trouble, and i want to get a tattoo because i think there cool and represent significant things. I don't think i need approval from others but i do need approval from myself so i make sure i have the newest sneakers that come out or something from the latest trend. 

Monday, December 14, 2009

Theorizing of cool

I was sitting in class when Andy walked over and caught Leah and I on Facebook. He brought up the point that we feel a sense of loneliness and emptiness so we find other things to distract us and keep us entertained.  I guess i agree with his statement because the way in which we distract ourselves always involve other people or some type of human connection. Such as texting, going on Facebook, using instant messenger or calling someone. I believe all these attempts to distract ourselves are useless attempts of filling empty spaces inside of us because those distractions end up getting played out. I think that boredom plays a role in emptiness because when where bored we feel empty and feel the need to keep going and find something new to do.

When I'm bored i can never seem to find something that will entertain me other then my friends. So I've come to the conclusion that being around people who appreciate you and love you will fill that empty filling inside of you. The companionship of another person really helps fill the empty feeling or loneliness of a person. 

Still needs to be worked on...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

merchants of cool

What is it about sex and showing off your body that attracts young people so much? Is it the sense of maturity or the attention of others? After watching "Merchants of gold" it was obvious that commercials and celebrity's all brainwash us. (the viewers) As a young kid when the spice girls where out it was cool to have pants like sporty spice, or a lollipop like baby spice. If only we knew it was a fad that would soon be outplayed just like every other trend. Yet trends are meant to end sex appeal will be on going as long as its showed on t.v, the Internet, and everyday activities. And as long as celebrities are showing its okay to show half of your body, then all the viewers will find it okay as well. 

whether its from the "life" commercials( an add for water with animated football players that turn into lizards), to commercials about coke (also advertising a football player). Are corporations grabbing the attention of viewers by trying to sell  products that mentors such as athlete's would use. Each commercial/corporation has a mission to draw in there viewers with someone, or something they can look up. I don't think that's evil i actually think its genius because people are so brainwashed by the media that they don't bother to overlook the obvious.   

There should be an age limit to certain things being advertised but corporations could care less about the age of the viewer as long as they buy there products. My mom and where talking and she brought up the Mac and PC commercials. There are two guys ones okay looking and skater boy hair, and then the other guy has a pocket protector nerd glasses and greasy hair. Now in relation to "cool" the Mac guy who is way better looking then the PC guy is trying to get viewers to buy a Mac and get money for the corporation that he is working for. We are in a trance... buy product, pay corporations, and then the corporation pays the mentor that we all "look" up to. Merchants of cool definitely changed my perspective of certain media ads. 

Monday, December 7, 2009

H.w 28

Rouge Nation, Addiction to sneakers, Geek Bouteek.  Geek Bouteek Feb,18.  2008 web. Dec 7 2009 This guy realizes his addictions to sneakers is geeky, but yet unique because his addiction consist of very different and hard to find sneakers. This relates to the cool subject because i know that I'm considered cool because of many of the sneakers i own, so to see people writing blogs about there addiction to something that people consider me cool for is intriguing and "cool"  

Soul cast/friends forever, "What makes you cool?" Soul cast Aug 18, 2006 web Dec 7, 2009 
After reading over the comments left on the blog by FriendsForever it looked as if they were going over a horoscope, but that they thought if someone is a book worm as long as they stay up with the new trends and are good at something that makes you cool. This connects to our unit "cool" because despite how low you are in the social level if your good at something you can be considered cool in your own sub group. 

"Press release" its cool to be smart, 2008 Web Dec 9 2009 Press release talks about how its cool to be active and smart and in order to motivate kids. Certain young teen celebrities are taking action, such as Keke Palmer and Doc Shaw. This relates to "cool" because being active and staying busy as a teen is very important and when your involved in something such as sports you are looked at differently and with more respect. (personal experience)

"How to be cool on Facebook" wikiHow Dec 5, 2009 Web Dec 9, 2009 It gives you steps to follow in order to be cool on Facebook, such as not replying back to someone to quickly, sending to many "bumpers" and changing your status every 2 days or so. Most of my friends go on there iphones, sidekicks or computers, to check there Facebook 24/7 if you don't have a Facebook you are considered "uncool" so this article/post gives you advice on how you could be even cooler on something that is already considered cool world wide. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Stranger one: Casey 

What do you think is cool? "I think spirituality is cool." 
Who's cooler, the pope or the president? "Obama. He's not pretentious, he's real, he's honest, and he doesn't make empty promises."
What do you think is cool about yourself? "I'm 58 years old, and I can still play ball. I am a Surrogate Father. I lived with seven sisters, and my mom, and I was the only boy. Also, I have lived through two occasions where I was supposed to be dead. I got stabbed in September, 1973, when I was seventeen. And I survived a gun shot. I was saved because of the luck of a priest."

Stranger two: Arista 
What do you think of as cool? Like clothes, cell phones, style, materialistic things? "Clothes are pretty cool I guess."
What do you think is cool about yourself, if you think of yourself as cool?"I'm all over the place, and crazy. I like myself. I'm weird cool."
Do you spend a lot of time thinking about popularity, and coolness? "I have a whole bunch of magazines I'm always looking at to see what's in."
Who, -on television or celebrators- do you think of as cool? "I watch a lot of Nickelodeon things. I think Sam from I-Carly is cool. She has her own style, she's girly but she's not really girly. She's different."
Do you spend more time now trying to be cool, or did you spend more time trying to be cool in high school? "In high school I didn't really care what was cool. I guess I spend more time trying to be cool now."

Stranger 3: Nia 
Who do you think is cool? "I think anyone who is original, with their own sense of style is cool. "
Who is cooler, the pope or the president? "The pope is cooler." Really? Why? "The pope is cooler because he just chills and gets money. He could be at a strip club right now, and no one would know it."
Do people consider you to be cool? Do your friends consider you cool? "I think my friends think I'm cool." 
Do you think your friends are cool? "No, not really. Not a lot of them." 
What about your friends do you think is cool? "We have our own inside jokes, and we understand each other."

Family member :) 

What's cooler mowing the lawn or raking leafs?
"Mowing the lawn"

"Because I'm in charge of a powerful machine and being in charge is cool because i could always run you over."

Why is being in charge cool in your opinion?
"I don't think being cool consist of being in charge but it does help sometimes because if you have the respect of others and respect means you have eyes on you." 

How do you connect respect to cool?
"if people respect you they will notice you and then comes popularity and i find popularity cool"