Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I interviewed my mom Maryann. As i was asking her questions i noticed how in between each sentence or so she would glance at the t.v and get distracted. The 3 questions i asked were 1) What digital media do you use the most and why? 2)Why are you attracted to certain media and not others? 3) As a kid did you think technology would evolve so much? Her responses seemed more regurgitated instead of thoughtful except for the last question. Her response for number one was "T.V because it's entertaining and i can get my information when i want to such as weather, news, and show schedules. Her second response was " I prefer T.V because it is visually stimulating" Her third response which i found the most interesting was "Not as quickly as it has in the past 20 years, such as the VCR evolving from the beta which meant you could tape shows. Also when i was younger i had vinyl records, then it went to tapes, then to Cd's. Cd's were supposed to be unscratchable and unbreakable... but look how false that turned out. Now a day's you can't buy VHS tapes or certain equipment because it's out of prints and not being manufactured as much. Sometimes i think an alien landed with all this technology to teach us. (little joke)"  I wonder what made her so much interested in this question then the others? Her response's were more standard then thoughtful. 

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