Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hw # 7

The two main questions i asked the strangers were... 1) did you think technology would evolve so quickly when you were younger. and 2) do you think technology is effecting our community in a good or bad way? Most people responded with yes its a good thing but they had no evidence to back up there opinion on why they thought that. There was one guy who stated "globally it widens us but alienates our smaller communities". Since we were going up to random people i think many people were caught off guard and just spit out the first thing that came to there heads such as "i don't know" " oh i never really thought about it" It's strange how people don't pay very mind to things there addicted to.

It was interesting how certain people just spit out answers with no real thought mean while others would think for a second and bring in other aspects such as politics etc. A guy responded to "do you think technology is effecting our community in a good or bad way?" by saying "yes it has changed the world in both a good and bad way. Good because people have a base to contribute good ideas nationally on the t.v and the Internet, but it is effecting us on a bad way because it gives people easy access to be racist and give out crazy ideas" This guy really thought about what to say and gave us a statement that could help widen out ideas on digital media. 

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