Monday, September 28, 2009

interview with my best friend

I asked Christina "what do you think about technology" Her first response was "it's good for us but it makes us lazy". I then asked her to elaborate and she said "it helps us find new medicine, cures. It makes us lazy because certain things we used to do such has having quality time with our friends we are sitting at home watching t.v or on the computer." I asked her if she found any technology unimportant such as an i-pod or a computer... her response was "i cant think of any"... she took an extra 5 minuets to rethink her answer and she finally came up with the thought that game systems are pointless because we can play them on the computer and why have a "palm" (which is a personal organizer) when you can get a black berry that does the same exact thing and more! We started discussion how many electronics we own and she said she owns an i-pod a stereo system, 2 broken psp's a PlayStation 2, 1 working phone, and 4 broken ones, a computer, and last but not least a wii. Seems like Christina wasted a lot of money on junk.

We then had a normal conversation but she went off on a tangent about technology. "Technology takes place of intimate relationship's and friendship. We don't write letters anymore, or really visit each other. Instead we just text all day. Technology has made us very dependent, and obsessed. Where ever some people go they have to bring or be on there phones or i-pods at all times." 

When i first "interviewed" Christina i text her and asked her questions... technology is definitely a faster way to get in contact with people.  

Saturday, September 26, 2009

first video


After watching my video i looked like i wasn't really there...i was to into the game like moving the control from side to side when in reality that has no effect. I never really thought i got that into a video game, my facial reactions don't show any emotions other then a little frustration because at the end i lost. I don't think anyone should get that into a video game you aren't really yourself as you can tell all your focus is on the game. They should be played in moderation. 

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hw # 7

The two main questions i asked the strangers were... 1) did you think technology would evolve so quickly when you were younger. and 2) do you think technology is effecting our community in a good or bad way? Most people responded with yes its a good thing but they had no evidence to back up there opinion on why they thought that. There was one guy who stated "globally it widens us but alienates our smaller communities". Since we were going up to random people i think many people were caught off guard and just spit out the first thing that came to there heads such as "i don't know" " oh i never really thought about it" It's strange how people don't pay very mind to things there addicted to.

It was interesting how certain people just spit out answers with no real thought mean while others would think for a second and bring in other aspects such as politics etc. A guy responded to "do you think technology is effecting our community in a good or bad way?" by saying "yes it has changed the world in both a good and bad way. Good because people have a base to contribute good ideas nationally on the t.v and the Internet, but it is effecting us on a bad way because it gives people easy access to be racist and give out crazy ideas" This guy really thought about what to say and gave us a statement that could help widen out ideas on digital media. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I interviewed my mom Maryann. As i was asking her questions i noticed how in between each sentence or so she would glance at the t.v and get distracted. The 3 questions i asked were 1) What digital media do you use the most and why? 2)Why are you attracted to certain media and not others? 3) As a kid did you think technology would evolve so much? Her responses seemed more regurgitated instead of thoughtful except for the last question. Her response for number one was "T.V because it's entertaining and i can get my information when i want to such as weather, news, and show schedules. Her second response was " I prefer T.V because it is visually stimulating" Her third response which i found the most interesting was "Not as quickly as it has in the past 20 years, such as the VCR evolving from the beta which meant you could tape shows. Also when i was younger i had vinyl records, then it went to tapes, then to Cd's. Cd's were supposed to be unscratchable and unbreakable... but look how false that turned out. Now a day's you can't buy VHS tapes or certain equipment because it's out of prints and not being manufactured as much. Sometimes i think an alien landed with all this technology to teach us. (little joke)"  I wonder what made her so much interested in this question then the others? Her response's were more standard then thoughtful. 

Thursday, September 17, 2009

It was interesting how you didn't just agree or disagree with the idea of electronics are good or bad. You used evidence to prove that it is good and bad it showed that you are opened minded about the situation. After reading your blog it is obvious that you think electronic are good for u but should be used in moderation. I agree with your idea of moderation because if everyone stayed inside to play video games we would be obese. Some ways that you could further your response is by using evidence from our in class discussion and just expanding your thoughts and opinions. Your blog made me think how i should use my electronics in moderation and actually take time to get up and do something instead of just watching t.v or texting. I enjoyed reading your blog hope to read more.

my reaction to matt s. post

Your thoughts on what the digital world is doing to us was very interesting. I noticed how you used mulitple examples to back up your ideas, like the refrence back to computers and all the viruses an how we every computer has spell check to help us out. I agree with you on how the younger generation is to electronically developed and how us as a society wouldn't be able to function with out the use of electronics. When you said the statement about our generation/ society turning in to the movie WALL E it showed that your listend during our class disscusion and usesed what we talked about in class as a refrence for your blog. A good way to improve your blog post is to just reread your work, because some things you wrote were in the wrong tense. While reading your post i thought a lot about how even as a teenager i spend a ton of time texting and on the computer when i should actually be doing my homework or studying, but even as i move on grade wise the teachers are getting a lot more technically advanced. Which make it easier to get distracted instead of working. I really enjoyed reading your post it kept me interested and kept me wanting to read more.

Monday, September 14, 2009

What makes people so addicted to electronics? Is it the barrier it holds or the expansion it gives someone to be in contact with so many people. Some people find it easier to express there feelings over a text instead of confronting the person. Does this mean a person is emotionally unstable or just to lazy to go meet someone. Instead of calling someone you just text them. What makes texting so much easier then actually calling the person? Is this new obsession a good thing for our community or is it corrupting our brains.


Friday, September 11, 2009

What makes people so addicted to electronics? Is it the barrier it holds or the expansion it gives someone to be in contact with so many people. Some people find it easier to express there feelings over a text instead of confronting the person. Does this mean a person is emotionally unstable or just to lazy to go meet someone. Instead of calling someone you just text them. What makes texting so much easier then actually calling the person? Is this new obsession a good thing for our community or is it corrupting our brains.