Thursday, January 21, 2010

paper comments for triangle partners

How do we feel this emptiness inside of us? "Cool" or having the sense of popularity gives us all a distraction from our emptiness and gives us something to focus on for a little. We just keep buying things to fill something that can't be filled by someone else's style or idea of something that has so many different versions. We spend so much time trying to fill this fake persona, when in the end it is crashed by something new, and once we figure that out the whole cycle begins again. So when does the cycle stop? When is our empty space filled? Corporations are the main source of where we find out what's cool and what's not cool. Andy stated "corporations make cool things" and " It's much easier to be cool then to be yourself" Now i highly agree with Andy's statements corporations are what teen's look up to and if they are selling everything for celebrities and there buying it that must mean it's something cool. But what does it fill? Nothing we are once again giving into a fake society just to fit in and be "cool" If we maybe branched off and did our own thing maybe our emptiness would be filled a lot quicker and easier. A couple of tips: reread over your work check for spelling and gramme mistakes. Flow your paragraphs Analyze your quotes a little deeper Good start leah :)

Society is turning teenager's into fake people in order to fit everyone into the sense of cool. If you don't have the coolest sneakers or the newest clothes you are considered un cool which leads to not being popular. That results to you being picked on then your child hood memories being ruined. In Merchants of cool they talked about how many young girls want ti be just like Brittney Spears, what if she started promoting that its okay to not have the newest clothes and still be cool? Celebrites should take more action and display something more productive. Tip: Spelling Reread work
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